Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Walking for a Cure: The 3Day Part V: Oh, yeah, camping...

The veteren walker smiled at me both sympathetically and knowingly, "Getting up after dinner is always the worst. Take it a little slower."

I nodded and as I did the sign on my bag caught my eye. "Aunt Peggy and My Mom..." I thought of Mom and her slow deliberate movements when she would stand up from sitting and mimicked them. It was easier. Still quite painful, but much easier. I straightened my shoulders and smiled at my dinner companions. "Take it slow and easy, Ladies. Have a good night!"

From the Dining Tent to the area where the bags were located and then to our tent plot was a very slow walk in Hell. I nearly sat down and cried when I got to our tent plot and realized I had forgotten to pick up a tent. Fortunately, someone nearby exclaimed that they and their tentmate had both picked up a tent. She was perfectly happy to turn one over to me rather than have to return it to the bag pickup area. *phew* By this point I really just wanted to take a shower and crawl into my sleeping bag. Anything that made life simpler was something to be grateful about.

Putting up the tent was not that difficult. I had the main portion put together when two of the "Round To IT" Crew Team came by and finished the job by doing up the ties and then attaching the Rain Fly for me. (Once again I will mention that the Crew Volunteers were AWESOME) It was a fairly quick matter to inflate my airmattress and roll out my sleeping bag. We were going to have to store our bags outside the tent from the looks of space though. I realized I hadn't brought any tarps or plastic to drape over bags...I hoped that my partner had. The really neat thing about prepping ahead of time was that I had placed individual full outfits in gallon sized ziploc bags. I just had to grab my shower bag o' supplies and a ziploc of outfit to be able to run down to the showers. Spending the $8 on towel service was most definitely worth it.

Aaaaahhhh... Hot Shower. Who would have known that taking a shower in the back of a truck could feel so good? The sore muscles were exceedingly grateful for the heat and it was wonderfully refreshing. Getting back to the tent and lying down on my sleeping bag/air mattress felt really good as well. The uneaten brownie from dinner beckoned and I started to nibble on it. OK... maybe the camping part of this wasn't so bad.

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