Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Walking for a Cure: The 3-Day Part X: Really Cold Night

Though the mylar blanket lining my sleeping bag kept me fairly toasty, I could feel through my face that it was *damn cold* out there. Sometime towards the morning, I had another conversation with my bladder:

Bladder: Uh, I need to go...
Brain: No, you don't.
Bladder: Yes, yes, I really think I do.
Brain: It is fracking freezing out there!!! You can wait a couple of hours.
Bladder: I'm not so sure...
Brain: I am... go back to sleep!
Bladder: but...
Brain and Body: GO BACK TO SLEEP!
Bladder: ok... ok...

When I heard L calling my name later (SHOCK! She was the first one up all three mornings!!), I still felt like it was too cold to get up. But we had to take our tent down and pack up our stuff. Since the medical tent visit last night robbed me of any motivation to take a shower before bed... my first move was to get a shower. And though the hot shower did warm me up for a bit, there weren't as many people showering so it wasn't nearly as warm as the first time. By the time I got dressed, I was starting to feel cool again. Then came the joy of packing up our tent, our stuff and L was running into the problem of not being able to get all her stuff back in her luggage.

The work was slow moving, with the cold and wet making our fingers even less interested in working right. But we muscled through it and finally made our way to breakfast. Several of the walkers still had their mylar blankets from the previous evening. Silver was shining everywhere are the walkers used the wonderful invention of mylar to keep them a bit warmer. I was really wishing that one of the set of pants that I had brought were full length instead of capri. My ankles and lower shins were FREEZING. As we waited in line for the buses to ferry us to the starting point for the Last Day's Route, I wrapped the mylar around my lower body to keep my legs and shins warm. It helped.

It really did take far far too long for the day to warm up though. The first couple miles of the trip had us still cooler than we wanted to be. Thank Gods that exercise generates body heat.

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