Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Walking for a Cure: The 3-Day Part XIII: The Home Stretch

Despite picking up a pretty good lead again at lunch, by the time we made it to Pit Stop 3, we were racing against the closing of the route again. We got to Pit Stop 3 only 5-10 minutes before they were closing for the day but we took the time to stop and rest anyway. We both iced our wounds for a few minutes and watched as people started clearing up, but we wanted to make the rest of the day under our own power. So we got up and got going again.

Side Note: Pit Stop 3 was manned by a Crew Team called "Save Second Base"...they wore baseball uniforms and attire and were generally an all around great bunch of people in larger bunch of awesome people.

We only had 3.5 miles or so to go at that point. At least to the "Holding Area" -- the last section of the walk we would do together, en masse, once everyone was rounded up at the "Holding Area" first. Sheer will power and the inspiration of our loved ones was probably all that kept us going. Every chance we got, we stopped and stretched.

At Pit Stop 4 the one blister I had all weekend made it quite clear it needed attention. As the wonderful girls at the Medical Circle bandaged me up, L took the chance to sit back, take a breather and stretch a bit more. She was drooping quite a bit, and it was a lot easier to keep up with her but it was obvious that she was determined. We were going to finish this day.

At the "1 mile to Holding Area" sign, we stopped and took pictures of us pointing and laughing. There's that "1 mile" promise again... I still don't believe it. By that time we already had the "Caboose" on our tail but she wasn't really pushing us along as we were doing just fine for time. L's pace kept her about 10-20 yards ahead of me, depending on how hard I was pushing myself at any given point. The chant for my Mom was being spoken out loud without reservation: "Left...Left...Left, Right, Left".

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